Which is your Hope?
As much as Desires?
As much as Time to enjoy your life you have?
It is the Moment to Put In Practices the New Economic Circuit of the Prosperity - Acting for good of who they surround us.-
... This is not a course of abundance is not teoria of the prosperity neither a book of self-help...
Because The New World we Will Do It
between All and with our Acts
We REPRESENT FOR AMERICA to the Business that more grows in the world with products and economic system based
on the filosofia of the Tao and of the Yin Yang
With Products of Chinese Traditional Medicine that prevent - they revert - they beautify and they rejuvenate
because they are based on 5000 years of ancient experimentation and sabiduria
(we are not a system "virtual" - neither a financial chain - neither a person behind a computer)
They are Extraordinary Products - A Business BEEN USED TO on a worldwide basis with 197 branch offices and 20 million associates!
In giddy expansion - we duplicate the billing year after year The Medicine Trad. Chinese (M.T.Ch) has more than 5,000 years of development, experimentation and practical - we compare this with the antiquity of our aspirin (approx. 150) or of our penicillin (approx. 100) - In the last twenty years has enlarged of spectacular form the popularity of this system.
act Natural and Holisticamente and they are of free sale - approved by the governments of each pies and multipremiados by the agencies cientificos but important as FDA - Russian Spatial Agency and Org World of the Health
But we agree that one must work what we assure is you that with much less effort that the one that you put in any another activity - will have the annuity but large of your life!
"When the Ying Yang are in Harmony SHOULD NOT EXIST ILLNESSES"
Basic Principle of the Filosofia Chinese
Our Mission is to Give you Two Valuable KEYS
An Opens the Doors of the Good Health AND the Long Life.-
the other opens the doors of the Prosperity Economica
Initial investment by only time 38 dollars (includes: association 10 dollars + pack of our network and paginates web) + cost of I send to province or pies you
associate and immediately drops more than 100 files with videos - powerpoint Engraved Conferences - Training and Manuals of the products and the system - that
is to say can begin to work immediately 2 catalogos printed color and a DVD with 6 Videos and Three important Audios of Professional Training
You Can Associate you to carry out optionally some or all these activities: 1) alone to consume our products of excellence for the health and beauty acquiring them with important discounts 2) direct selling 3) to Direct a
Network to executive level 4) to generate tranquilly an annuity that surpass easy any retirement
we insist you can carry out optionally an or all these activities - in your free time or as main activity with
or without capital